Two Deck Blackjack Counting

Two Deck Blackjack Counting 8,1/10 3051 votes

As we have discussed before, the number of decks with which a Blackjack game is played is essentially a rule unto itself and impacts the House Edge of the game accordingly. In the event that all other rules are equal, then the more decks a Blackjack game has, the greater the House Edge will be against the player, which is to say that there will be a lesser return to player.

Double Deck Blackjack Double Deck Blackjack is far more volatile than Multi­Deck for the following reasons;. The Running & True Card Counts can swing drastically from one Round to the nextSo few cards in Double or Single Deck can affect the card count, unlike Multi­Deck games where typically there are. Free Online Blackjack; Blackjack Rules. Hand Values; Rule Variations; Blackjack Strategy. 2 Deck; 4 Deck; 6 Deck; Casino Strategy; Online Strategy; Casino vs Online; Advanced Strategy; Beginner Mistakes; Bad Betting Systems; Card Counting. Card Counting 101; Hi-Lo Count; Knock-Out (KO) Count; Hi-Opt I Count; Hi-Opt II Count; Zen.

In the case of card counting, multiple decks are something of a boon and a bane to card counters. Granted, all other things equal, the card counter will generally get more favorable opportunities against a lesser number of decks and will buck a lesser negative expected value while waiting for positive counts, (because fewer decks is generally good) but all other things are not equal and games considered, ‘Highly countable,’ are often subject to greater scrutiny from the pit as well as the eye in the sky. Even though it is dead wrong, there are still pit bosses out there who believe, ‘A six (or eight) deck game cannot be counted.’

Double deck games, either way, certainly can be counted. However, for the basic strategy player, double deck games offer fewer opportunities than single-deck games to make decisions based on the, ‘Deck composition,’ and it is for that reason that double deck has a greater house edge.

When we compare the rules of double-deck variations, we are going to use what I will term a, ‘Control Game,’ and that control game will have the following rules:

Soft 17: Dealer Hits
Double After Split: Yes
Double On: ANY
Player Can Resplit: Twice to Four Total Hands
Resplit Aces: No
Hit Split Aces: No
Dealer Peeks: Yes
Surrender: Yes
Blackjack Pays: 3:2

With this, ‘Control Game,’ the House Edge with Basic Strategy is 0.39702%, if we compare that to single-deck with the exact same set of rules, the single deck game would have a House Edge of 0.12144% for a difference of 0.26928% added to the House Edge for the double-deck game.

This is not only because of fundamental hands/decisions being more powerful for a player in a single-deck game due to the effect-of-removal (cards coming out of the deck) but also because there are some plays that get made as a result of effect-of-removal in a single deck game that do not happen in a double-deck game, such as doubling an eight against a dealer showing five/six in a single-deck game. You would not do that in a double deck game.

The Rules:

While double-deck Blackjack gives the player an opportunity to play deck composition strategy, it does not grant the same opportunities that a game such as single-deck often will. Deck composition strategy is basically what card-counters do, except they can often do this with games of several decks and are doing more than making decisions based only upon the number of cards that have come out/are showing in one hand. While such decisions still come up in double-deck Blackjack for the savvy player, they are nowhere near as common as they are in a game of single-deck.

Soft 17

The first rule change we will examine is whether or not a dealer hits or stands on soft-17, which is any hand that adds up to seventeen with the Ace counting as eleven. In other words, A-6 would be an example of a Soft-17, A-2-4 is another example and A-2-2-2 is yet another. These types of hands actually come up slightly more frequently in a double-deck game as opposed to a single-deck game (and even more frequently in games of greater decks) simply because the effect of a card, say a deuce, being removed on the probability of getting yet another deuce is greater with a fewer number of decks.

The rules for our control game assume that the Dealer Hits on a total of soft-17 whereas it would be beneficial for the player for the dealer to stand. While it may seem antithetical that a player benefits by the dealer standing on what then becomes a completed hand, it is important to remember that the player has already acted and that hitting a Soft-17 gives the dealer several opportunities to improve the hand with a nearly equal number of opportunities to keep it the same as if the dealer had stood. (i.e. turning it into a Hard-17 with a ten)

For example, if two cards, an A-6 come out of the deck giving the dealer a Soft-17 and the dealer hits, here are the possibilities for the very next card:

(31/102)-The dealer improves his hand to a 18-21 by way of another Ace, or a two, three or four. The four, of course, would give the dealer an unbeatable twenty-one that can only be matched for a push if it matches the player’s total.

(32/102)-The dealer draws a ten-card that results in a Hard-17, which is what the dealer would effectively have even if he stood on soft-17.

(39/102)-The dealer draws a five, six, seven, eight or nine, which are arguably the worst cards for the dealer because the hand is incomplete and busting is now possible. Even with that being the case, though, assuming the player plays perfect strategy based on the rules, the player will have a hand that beats (or pushes) seventeen enough of the time that the dealer is better running this risk.

One might wonder: But, aren’t 39, ‘Bad cards,’ more than 31, ‘Good cards,’ what gives?

The answer to that is simply that the, ‘Good cards,’ absolutely make a hand that is better than what the dealer had if forced to stand on the Soft-17, and the, ‘Bad Cards,’ are not necessarily a death sentence for the dealer. The dealer could draw a five to a Soft-17, for example, giving the dealer a hand total of 12, then the dealer could draw a nine for a total of 21, which can only be pushed by the player.

There’s no need to believe me, though, you could simply look at our blackjack strategy engine:

And you will see that, with Basic Strategy, based on our control game, when we switch it to force the dealer to stand on Soft-17, the house edge is reduced to 0.20416%, which is a difference of 0.18656% in favor of the player. In other words, this one rule change cut the house edge nearly in half as compared to our control game!

Double On Any Two Cards

The next rule that we must take a look at is the doubling rule, some casinos will allow a player to double on any two cards the player likes, whereas other casinos only allow doubling on hand totals of 9-11 and others still only allow doubling on hand totals of 10-11. While a single deck game is the only time a player would double on hard eight (absent card counting) there are still a number of soft hands that do not otherwise total 9-11 on which a player would double in the double deck game.

For example, a player would double a soft 13-19 against a dealer six, and only the A-8 technically equals nine (in terms of the hard hand), the player would double soft 13-18 against a dealer five, a soft 14-18 against a dealer four, a soft 17-18 against a dealer three and a soft 18 against a dealer deuce. With exception to the soft nineteen (which, again, would also be a hard nine) against a dealer six, all of these plays would be gone if the player could not double on anything.

Our control game allows for doubling on Any Two cards, however, if we switch that to doubling only on 9-11 and keep all other rules the same, (eliminating all soft doubles except one) the house edge soars to 0.51298%, which is a difference of 0.12226% compared to being able to double on anything.

In addition to eliminating all soft double situations, the situation of doubling a hard nine against a dealer showing a 2-6 would also be eliminated if the player could only double on 10-11. If that were to happen, the House Edge would jump to 0.62725% which is 0.23653% more than in our control game in which the player can double on anything.


Now that we have discussed doubling, we have to look at splitting as well as the two together: Whether or not a player may double after a split.

The first question is to how many hands may a player split? For example, if the player is dealt a 8-8 (Hard 16) against any dealer card, (except an Ace, then the player should surrender if allowed) then the player is supposed to split the eights and take a new card on each of the two eights in order to form two new hands. In some Blackjack games, the player has the opportunity to do this yet again if the player were to draw another four on one of the other hands, and then perhaps even again after that! This process is called, ‘Re-Splitting,’ and the ability to do so is a favorable rule for the player. There are a few Blackjack games that allow unlimited re-splits, but it is extremely rare to ever resplit more than twice.

Our control game assumes a player can resplit (twice) to a total of four hands and the difference in being able to split to a total of three hand only (i.e. resplit once) rather than all four is 0.00570% added to the house edge whereas the difference in not being able resplit at all compared to resplitting to four total hands is 0.04456% added to the house edge. This may not seem like a big loss, but in the course of a lifetime of blackjack play, it adds up!

Like we discussed more exhaustively in the single-deck article, this is one rule that has a greater impact on the house edge the more decks there are. The reason for that is because of effect-of-removal, for example, in a hypothetical million deck shoe, getting 4-4, splitting, and drawing another four would not meaningfully reduce the probability of drawing another four on the next card still!

Double After Splitting

Two Deck Blackjack Counting Machines

The next question relevant to the player is whether or not the player is permitted to double-after-splitting, and there is quite a variety of situations in which this becomes relevant! One example of a hand in which a player would want to be able to do so is a hand such as 3-3 against a Dealer five which is split and the player draws either a six, seven or eight, (depending on what the rules are for what a player can double on) that is definitely a situation in which the player would want to double after splitting.

If the player does not have the capacity to double after splitting, then the House Edge is increased by about 0.14534% to 0.53606% as compared to our control game. This difference becomes slightly greater if the player could split to multiple hands because more hands means more potential opportunities to double after splitting. Just like in our example hand, one of the advantages behind splitting is giving the player the potential not just to get out of a bad hand, but to also turn a bad hand into a GREAT hand that should be doubled down upon!

Blackjack rules typically dictate that a player can only Split Aces once, and the rules that we are assuming for the control game do not allow re-splitting of Aces. Resplitting Aces is advantageous for the player because, once split, aces can often not be hit upon or resplit, which means if you split two aces and draw an A to one of the split Aces, then you are stuck with a lousy hand total of hard-12. If the dealer makes a hand, you lose.

If our control game did allow for the resplitting of Aces, then the house edge would be reduced to 0.33758% which is a difference of 0.05314% off of the house edge of our control game.

Hit On Aces That Have Been Split

The next rule we will address is whether or not a player can hit on Aces that have been split. For the purposes of this rule, we are going to go back to assuming that the player may not resplit the aces because the player may not do so in our control game. The ability to hit Aces that have been split is an incredibly positive allowance for the player because it enables the player to take advantage of splitting Aces without worrying about any chance of being stuck on a bad (12-16) hand that cannot win unless the dealer busts. Sometimes the player would want to hit such a hand total if the dealer is not showing a bad card, but against something like a dealer six, of course, the player would still stand the bad hand total even if the player could hit.

Essentially, what happens if the player is allowed to hit split Aces is that the player will not be stuck on hand totals of 12-16 after taking the card on each of the split Ace hands. In fact, the worst case scenario, if the player cannot resplit Aces, is that the player ends up drawing another Ace (Hard 12 total) as that is the only, ‘Hard,’ hand the player can end up with, and therefore, the only hand in which a third card (the hit) could potentially bust the player. Otherwise, every card on the split aces will either give the player a completed hand, or alternatively, the potential to take a hit to improve the hand with literally zero risk of busting.

Given all of our other rules, the ability to hit Split Aces (no resplitting) improves the game to a house edge of 0.22421% which is an improvement of 0.16651% off the house edge compared to our control game.

No Hole Card

Another rule is the European, ‘No Hole Card,’ rule, and this is actually a rule that exists entirely on the dealer’s side, but it does impact a player’s decisions. If there is no checking of the hole card, then a player is forced to make decisions against a dealer Ten/Ace before knowing whether or not the dealer, ‘Has the goods,’ (a natural) and splitting/doubling decisions are affected by the fact that a player will lose the split/double amounts if the dealer has a natural. Rarely, there will be a casino that will play without the dealer checking for Blackjack, but the casino will only take the original wager if the player loses, and that is nearly effectively the same as the dealer checking for it.

There are a number of plays this influences in different ways, (in terms of the player needing to play more conservatively) but the biggest of these rules is that a player would no longer double a total of eleven against a dealer showing a Ten or Ace because the player has no way of knowing whether or not the dealer has a natural. With the hole card, ‘Peek,’ game, the dealer, ‘Peeks,’ and tells the player he/she does not have a natural hiding under there. Furthermore, the player will surrender against the dealer much more frequently (including with some soft hands under a ten total) if the dealer does not first check for Blackjack!

Is the ability to surrender more often good for the player? I’ll let you decide, the House Edge goes up to 0.49832%, which is an increase of 0.10760% if the dealer does not check for Blackjack compared to our control game.


The next question is whether or not a player is allowed to Surrender, which means to forfeit his/her hand and receive half of his/her wager back if he/she does not like the hand. In a double-deck game in which the dealer checks for Blackjack, if allowed, the player would surrender any total of 15-17 (including 8-8) against a Dealer Ace, and a total of 15-16 against a dealer ten. The difference in House Edge is 0.06616% if the player is allowed to Surrender given all of the other Rules with looked at with the house edge of our control game increasing to 0.45688% if the player may not surrender.

Blackjack Pays ?

The final rule that we will look at is Blackjack paying 6:5 rather than 3:2. If the only game in town pays 6:5 on a natural: Play Craps.

How Do the Rules Affect Me?

When it comes to the effects of the Rules, let’s look at the most player-favorable set of rules for a double-deck game v. the most player unfavorable set of rules. I believe this will help everyone see how much of a difference the rules can make.


Dealer Stands on Soft 17
Double After Split: Yes
Double on: Anything
Resplit: Up to Four Hands
Resplit Aces: Yes
Hit Split Aces: Yes
Dealer Peeks: Yes
Surrender: Yes
Blackjack Pays: 3:2

With just Basic Strategy (as opposed to Optimal deck-composition strategy) the player advantage on this set of rules would be 0.00943%, which means that the player would have a very slight advantage with perfect Basic Strategy. Let us compare that with the worst possible set of rules:


Dealer Hits Soft 17
Double After Split: No
Double: 10-11 Only
Resplit: No
Resplit Aces: N/A
Hit Split Aces: No
Dealer Peeks: No
Surrender: No

With all of that, the house edge with Basic Strategy would be 0.95307%, which would mean the player is expected to lose about 95 cents of every $100 bet. The overall difference between these two games is 0.96250%, nearly a full dollar per $100 bet difference. If we make Blackjack pay 6:5 on our bad rules, the House Edge goes up to 2.32657%, and even with our otherwise great rules, the player advantage turns into a house edge of 1.36407%.

Like I said, 6:5 Blackjack sucks. Even changing every other possible rule to a good rule still leaves 6:5 Blackjack unplayable.


The number of decks used in a Blackjack game, to a greater or lesser degree, enables the player to play using, ‘Deck composition strategy,’ which simply means making decisions based on the remaining cards in the deck which helps a player understand the probability behind what a dealer could have or is likely to have. Double Deck Blackjack, unfortunately, is not quite as fun as Single Deck Blackjack simply because there are fewer opportunities to play certain hands different ways as a single card does not affect the deck composition as meaningfully on a double deck game.

While, ‘The fewer decks the better,’ is a rule that is generally true with respect to Blackjack, it can also be a, ‘Sucker Rule,’ to a certain extent. In other words, while fewer decks are generally favorable to the player, the remaining rules can be adjusted in ways that render an overall Blackjack game less favorable regardless of the number of decks used. For that reason, it is important to look at a culmination of the number of decks used and the other rules, determining the house edge accordingly, before selecting a game to play.

Software Providers that have Double Deck Blackjack

SoftwareBJ PaysSoft 17DoubleRe-Split AcesSurrenderHouse EdgeTotal Decks
Bodog3:2StandAny 2NoNo0.20%2

Other Online Blackjack Variations

The Uston SS system is one of the more accurate card counting systems available, which is why many folks turn to it. However, the increased accuracy comes due to a much more complex counting system than many others. But, if you’re up for the challenge of learning this advanced card counting system, you’ll be rewarded with higher accuracy.

For those of you thinking that the Uston SS system might be the one you’d like to use when playing blackjack, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve established this page to help you gather up all the knowledge you need on the system. Below, we’ll walk you through how the system works, how you can practice it, how you can avoid getting caught, and more!

If you’re on the hunt for a particular aspect about the Uston SS System, be sure to view the jump links below. These are here if you’d like to skip ahead to specific portions of the page. However, those of you seeking to get the most out of this page should read it from top to bottom.

Understanding the Basics of the Uston SS System

To ensure you’ve got a good understanding of the system first, we wanted to cover some basics before we get into more advanced portions of the system. Below, you’ll find explanations of the core ideas behind the Uston SS system that will make it easier for you to understand and learn how to use this method.

Running Count

The central portion of the Uston SS system is what’s called a running count. This count is what will help you decide how to size your bets when it’s your turn to wager. To calculate the running count, you’ll add up the assigned values for each card as you see them. Don’t worry; we’ll go into more detail on how you’ll do this in the next section below.

Starting Value

With many other card counting systems, you simply start your count with a value of zero. However, since the Uston SS system is an unbalanced system, you’ll need to calculate your starting value. By doing this, it will avoid the need for you to calculate a true count later.

Luckily, calculating your starting count is very easy. To do it, you’ll multiply the number of decks you think are still in play by -2.

For example, if you believe there are 6 decks left in the shoe, your starting count would be -12 (6 multiplied by -2). You’ll then add each card’s value to this value to create your running count.

True Count

If you’ve studied other card counting methods before, then you’re most likely familiar with the idea of a true count. Many other systems require a true count calculation to be done in order to offset the number of decks in play. However, since the Uston SS system has users offset things with their starting count, there’s no need to worry with calculating a true count. Instead, your running count will be the figure that you’ll use for betting guidance.


In general, the goal of the Uston SS System is to help you know when you should bet a little or a lot on your blackjack hands. Whenever your count is low or negative, the system will signal to you that you should bet as little money as possible because it’s less likely you’ll get a blackjack. Alternatively, whenever your count is high, it will signal for you to bet more money since you have higher chances of getting blackjack.

Counting Cards with the Uston SS System

With the basics now out of the way, let’s dive into how you’ll use the Uston SS system to count cards. Up first, we’ve included a chart below that showcases the card values you’ll need to know to use this system. You’ll want to memorize these values as they’ll be vital to getting an edge over the casino.

Start with a count of 0, and when you see a:

  • A, K, Q, J, or 10: Subtract 2 from your running count
  • 9: Subtract 1 from your running count
  • 8: Do nothing (Worth 0)
  • 7: Add 1 to your running count
  • 2, 3, 4, or 6: Add 2 to your running count
  • 5: Add 3 to your running count

Before you begin card counting using this method, you’ll need to adjust your starting count. As a reminder, you’ll do this by multiplying the number of decks estimated to be in the shoe by -2. Once this is calculated, you’ll simply begin to add the card values to it per the figures in the chart above. Continue this process until the cards are shuffled.

As we mentioned above, one of the great selling points of the Uston SS system is that it doesn’t require users to make a true count calculation. Since it’s an unbalanced system, this step is not necessary and saves folks from needing to do often difficult division in their head. Instead, you’ll use your current running count to give you guidance on how much you should wager.

In the next section, we’ll give you detailed instruction on how you’ll use the running count to size your bets.

Finally, there’s one last thing you’ll need to keep in mind when using the Uston SS system. Whenever the dealer shuffles the cards, you’ll need to reset your running count. To do this, multiply the number of estimated decks being used at the table by -2. Then, continue to tabulate your running count using the values in the chart above.

How to Size Your Bets Using the Uston SS System

Unlike many of the other card counting systems in existence, the Uston SS System doesn’t require you to calculate a true count to size your bets correctly. Instead, you’ll use your current running count to give you guidance on how you should wager. Below, we’ll discuss two different ways you can size your wagers when using this method.

Up first, the easiest route is simply to use your current running count as a multiplier of the table minimum. For example, if you’re playing at a $20 minimum table and your running count is at 3, you’d bet $60 on your next hand. Using this path, you’d bet the table minimum if your count is +1 or less. It’s only when it gets to be +2 or higher that you’d begin to multiply the table minimum bet amount.

Another way to size your bets with the Uston SS system is to create a tiered system. With this format, you’ll create buckets.

For example, you might say that if your count is +2 or +3 that you’ll wager 2x the table minimum. Then, if your count is +4 or +5, you’ll wager 3x the table minimum.

Under this setup, your betting won’t be quite as aggressive as the idea we provided in the paragraph above.

It’s ultimately your call how you’d like to size your bets. You can use one of our suggestions above or create your own betting system that works for you. Just don’t forget the general idea that you want to bet higher amounts as your count gets higher and lower amounts as your count is lower.

How to Practice the Uston SS System

In this section, we’re going to provide you with practical tips you can use to begin practicing the Uston SS system. If you’ve never counted cards before, it’s essential you take some time to practice before you head off to the casino to use it in real life. By following our practice tips below, you’ll be ready to use this method very quickly.

Start Counting a Full Deck

To begin your practice of the Uston SS system, you’ll first need to start with counting a full deck. Here, you’ll deal yourself one card from the deck at the time. As each card is exposed, you’ll assign it the value from the chart above and then add that to your running count. You’ll repeat this process until you’ve run through all 52 cards in the deck. By executing this process many times over, you’ll get yourself used to the proper use of the Uston SS System.

Time Your Counts

After you’ve run through an entire deck a couple of times, try timing yourself. The goal will be to record the time it takes you to count the whole deck and then work to improve your time. See if you can reduce your future time to less than half of your initial time. By doing this, you’ll track your progress of learning how to use the Uston SS system.

Count Cards in Pairs


Two Deck Blackjack Counting Sheet

Once you feel like you’ve got the hang of counting a deck one card at a time, try your hand counting two cards at a time. By perfecting this level, you’ll speed up the time at which you can count a deck. Overall, this will make you more efficient when counting cards at a casino.

Instead of dealing one card, deal out two. Then, quickly add up their combined values in your head. Finally, you’ll add that value to your running count and move on to the next two cards. Repeat this practice step until you feel like you’re smooth with the new process.

Add Some Distractions

To up your card counting skills even more, it’s time for you to add in some distractions. Since casinos are not quiet and calm places, you’ll want to introduce some distractions at home while you count to help prepare yourself for what’s coming in a casino.

First, try turning on the radio while you count cards. See how long it takes for you to count an entire deck with the radio on in the background. Then, also try turning on your television. Time yourself again and make sure that it’s not taking you too long to run through the entire deck.

Have a Friend Watch You

Next, you’ll want to have a friend help you out. The goal of this round of practice is for them to help you identify any tells you might be giving off while you practice the Uston SS system. For example, if you’re furrowing your brow or counting under your breath, these are both things that a dealer will most likely catch on to. Whatever your friend identifies, work to eliminate that tell so that it’s less likely for you to get caught by casino employees.

Count at a Casino

Once you feel like you’re in a good spot with your counting ability, head on over to your nearest casino. For this next round of practice, you’ll count cards in a real casino setting. The goal here is to help you ensure that you’re able to keep up with the running count despite all the casino distractions around you.

You won’t be playing the game for money yourself yet. Instead, you’ll watch a table of other players. As the action happens, practice your running count. Once you feel like you can execute everything smoothly in this setting, you can move on to the next step.

Two Deck Blackjack Counting Machines

Find a Low Stakes Table

Once you feel comfortable enough to the point that you’re ready to wager money using the system, head back to one of your local casinos. To get started, be sure to find a low stakes table.

It’s a great idea to begin with lower stakes so you don’t have much on the line if you make mistakes while you’re implementing the system. As you get more comfortable using the Uston SS system, you can then work your way up to higher stakes tables.

Top 10 Ways to Not Get Caught Blackjack Card Counting


Up next, we wanted to give you some pointers so you don’t get caught by the casino when you’re counting cards. Below, you’ll find our top 10 tips to help you not get caught when using the Uston SS System.

  1. Don’t forget to tip: A classic signal to dealers of a potential card counter is non-tipping. To help fly under the radar, be sure to toss the dealer a tip here and there so you are not put under added scrutiny. Try to tip at least once or twice every hour you’re playing.
  2. Play at different casinos: Instead of playing at the same casino all the time, aim to play at different ones as much as possible. While this may be difficult for some folks with a limited selection of casinos near their home, it’s worth practicing if you can. By doing this, you’ll play with many more casino employees, which will lessen your chances of getting caught.
  3. Play at different times: It’s also an excellent idea to play at different times. Even if you’re playing at various casinos, different times will allow you also to lessen the likelihood of getting caught. Using this tip, you’ll expose yourself to a much broader assortment of casino employees.
  4. Change up tables: If you’re going to play at a casino for an extended period, be sure that you change tables every once and awhile. The goal here is to change up the casino staff that’s got eyes on you so that it lessens the chance they catch on to your card counting.
  5. Never play with one dealer for too long: While you might have a select few dealers that you love playing with, you should never play with them for an extended period. The longer that you play with one dealer, the higher the chances are that they can catch on to one of your body tells while counting cards.
  6. Limit your alcohol consumption: While you don’t have to be stone cold sober, you should ensure that you’re not heavily under the influence of alcohol. If you’ve had too much to drink, you’ll be more likely to make poor decisions and have a hard time keeping up with your counts while using the Uston SS system. We’d suggest one drink or less per hour if you’re planning to count cards.
  7. Don’t overthink: While implementing the Uston SS System, it’s vital that you don’t think too hard. If you do, you’ll be more likely to give off body tells like a furrowed brow. Don’t forget to practice with a friend to ensure you’re not giving off tells while counting cards.
  8. Don’t advise other players: Even if you feel like you’ve got the Uston SS system dialed in correctly, something you should never do is advise the other players at your table. If you give out advice, it will immediately draw the attention of the dealer. By keeping the tips to yourself, you’ll be less likely to get caught while card counting.
  9. Are you being watched?: If you ever feel like you’re being watched by casino employees more than is typical, it’s probably time to call it quits for the day. This could be a sign that they are on to you as a card counter. Wrap things up and try again on another day.
  10. Watch your bet spread: When using the Uston SS system, it’s possible that your count may suggest a massive bet whenever your chances are high to get a blackjack. However, it’s smart not to make your bets too large. In general, we’d suggest always keeping your most massive bets to less than 5x the table minimum. By wagering more than that, you’re likely to get extra scrutiny from the dealer.

Other Blackjack Resources

Over the years, we’ve created tons of helpful content for blackjack fans. Below, we’ve included links to some of our most popular blackjack resources. Check these out and see how else we can help you up your blackjack skills.

Guide to Blackjack Card Counting

We’ve developed guides of many other methods of blackjack card counting. If you’re looking to explore some of your other options, check out our guide on it here, where you’ll find a page filled with detailed explanations of many other popular card counting systems.

Best Online Casinos for Blackjack

If you’re interested in playing blackjack online, then don’t miss our list of the top online casinos offering blackjack. There you’ll find a page filled with our picks for the best online casinos for blackjack. You’ll be in good hands with a legit and trusted online casino if you work with any one of our recommended sites.

Blackjack Strategy for Beginners

Folks that are new to blackjack shouldn’t dive into card counting systems like the Uston SS system just yet. Instead, head over to check out our blackjack strategy for beginners guide. Using it, you can make sure you’re up to speed on all the blackjack essentials before you get into more complex ideas like card counting.

Uston SS System FAQ

Some of you might still have some unanswered questions after reading all the information that we’ve provided above. If that’s you, then be sure to scan the FAQ section below. Here, we’ve gathered up a small collection of questions that we commonly hear from readers about the Uston SS system. Just click on the question if you’d like to view the answer to it.

Can I Use the Uston SS System for Online Blackjack?

If you’re planning to play live dealer online blackjack, then you most likely will be able to implement the Uston SS system. Since you should have visibility to the table, cards, and the shuffler, you’ll be able to count cards using this system.

Folks planning to play traditional online blackjack will not be able to utilize the system. Since this format of the game often includes an automatic shuffle of the cards after every hand, it’s impossible to establish a pattern in the deck of cards.

Is the Uston SS System the Best Card Counting Method?

The Uston SS system is one of the more accurate methods of card counting available. If you’re looking for a precise system, this one might be right for you. However, you need to make sure that you can keep up with the complex counts required for this system.

Is It Illegal to Use the Uston SS System?

As long as you’re only using your mind to execute the Uston SS system, you’re not doing anything illegal no matter where you live. That said, if you do use a device like a calculator or your phone to help you use the system, you might be breaking the law depending on where you’re playing.

Keep in mind that while not illegal, casinos don’t like card counting. The reason behind this is that casinos are more likely to lose money to card counters. So that you don’t get asked to leave for suspicion of counting cards, be sure to read our ten tips above on how you can avoid getting caught using the system.

Will I Definitely Win at Blackjack Using This System?

Unfortunately, the Uston SS doesn’t make you a sure winner. The same can be said about any card counting method. What’s important, however, is that proper use of the Uston SS system will give you the opportunity to get a leg up on the casino. Over the long haul, this means you’ll have a higher likelihood of making a small profit while playing blackjack. .

Is This the Right Card Counting System for Me?

The Uston SS system is a good fit for individuals looking for a more advanced blackjack card counting system. Due to the more complex counting required, it’s not the best method for individuals looking for a simple system to use. However, if you’re up for the slightly more challenging count, you’ll benefit from a higher level of accuracy compared to other more straightforward card counting systems.

If this is the first blackjack card counting method you’ve investigated, we’d urge you to learn about some other options before deciding if this one is right for you. By checking into some other options, you should be able to get a feel for which system you’ll be able to quickly learn and actually implement in a real-life casino.

Conclusion on the Uston SS System

Hopefully, you’ve learned everything you were hoping to and more about the Uston SS card counting system. For those of you that are new to our website, what you’ve found here today is just a small sampling of the great content we have to offer you.

Two Deck Blackjack Chart

This website is filled with tons of helpful gambling guides that will allow you to elevate your skills. Be sure to check out the site and see how else we can help you get more out of your gambling.

Thanks for reading, and best of luck with your future use of the Uston SS system!

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