Poker Face Example Sentence
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How to use poker in a sentence. Example sentences with the word poker. Poker example sentences. Poker face A blank, emotionless expression that gives no indication of one's thoughts or intentions. Poker players use such an expression so as not to give their opponents any clues about which cards they are holding. I kept looking over to see if she was impressed, but she wore a poker face throughout the performance.


- Gaga then returns and sings ' Poker Face ' on the cat-walk.
- Lyrically, ' Poker Face ' is all about sexual innuendo and teasing.
- Swoopes wore a poker face to deprive the enemy of emotional feedback.
- Bruno has studiously maintained a poker face when confronted with the issue.
- Johnson, poker faced, sentenced the black men to 30 minutes in custody.
- The song was nominated for the Poker Face ' by Lady Gaga.
- I think I keep a poker face, but I never really do.
- 'Poker Face ' was released as the second single from the album.
- The single includes a cover of Lady Gaga's ' Poker Face '.
- Taylor Bowman has a poker face that can mask a million thoughts.
- It's difficult to see poker face in a sentence .
- BMW is maintaining its poker face in high-stakes bidding for Rolls-Royce.
- The poker face gives way to a great sense of humor.
- Her serious demeanor led to her ' poker face ' nickname.
- He has those steely eyes and that poker face that convey serious business.
- He had a poker mind as well as a poker face.
- At last Schoch allowed a smile to crease his poker face.
- And she found the poker faces at fashion shows, in Paris especially, disconcerting.
- Then she resumed her poker face and continued down the runway.
- Diaz Roncero went back to the poker game _ with a poker face.
- Together, they produced hits that became hugely popular including ' Poker Face '.
- More Sentences: 1 23
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Poker Face Idiom Example Sentence

How can I put and write and define poker face in a sentence and how is the word poker face used in a sentence and examples? 用poker face造句, 用poker face造句, 用poker face造句, poker face meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by
- Gaga then returns and sings ' Poker Face ' on the cat-walk.
- Lyrically, ' Poker Face ' is all about sexual innuendo and teasing.
- Swoopes wore a poker face to deprive the enemy of emotional feedback.
- Bruno has studiously maintained a poker face when confronted with the issue.
- Johnson, poker faced, sentenced the black men to 30 minutes in custody.
- The song was nominated for the Poker Face ' by Lady Gaga.
- I think I keep a poker face, but I never really do.
- 'Poker Face ' was released as the second single from the album.
- The single includes a cover of Lady Gaga's ' Poker Face '.
- Taylor Bowman has a poker face that can mask a million thoughts.
- It's difficult to see poker face in a sentence .
- BMW is maintaining its poker face in high-stakes bidding for Rolls-Royce.
- The poker face gives way to a great sense of humor.
- Her serious demeanor led to her ' poker face ' nickname.
- He has those steely eyes and that poker face that convey serious business.
- He had a poker mind as well as a poker face.
- At last Schoch allowed a smile to crease his poker face.
- And she found the poker faces at fashion shows, in Paris especially, disconcerting.
- Then she resumed her poker face and continued down the runway.
- Diaz Roncero went back to the poker game _ with a poker face.
- Together, they produced hits that became hugely popular including ' Poker Face '.
- More Sentences: 1 23
'poker dealing' in a sentence, 'poker deck' in a sentence, 'poker dice' in a sentence, 'poker dome challenge' in a sentence, 'poker equipment' in a sentence, 'poker faced' in a sentence, 'poker faces' in a sentence, 'poker flat' in a sentence, 'poker flat research range' in a sentence,
Poker Face Sample Sentence
How can I put and write and define poker face in a sentence and how is the word poker face used in a sentence and examples? 用poker face造句, 用poker face造句, 用poker face造句, poker face meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by