Pattern Poker Online

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Later on in the lesson we will provide some common betting patterns that you will see in many low and mid-stakes poker games. Recognizing these patterns will certainly help you improve your skills. But learning how to read your specific opponents is the most important skill that can help you become successful in the game of poker. ‎Play Texas Holdem Poker Online against millions of players all around the world and prove your mega poker skills! Mega Hit Poker is designed to offer the BEST POKER EXPERIENCE POSSIBLE in a hand held device! Become a Champion in our Top Player Mode and prove that you are better than the rest! The secret is in the poker algorithms and the poker RNG. If you discover the patterns used by those poker programs, you will win more often. The Pokerstars Code ebook uncovers and reveals the answer to how does online poker work. Online poker is NOT the same as live poker. Bad beats occur more frequently and river suck-outs are more common online. Patterns Poker is a game you can play to learn the subtle art of how to combine Patterns. We currently play this game with a deck of Design Patterns Playing Cards, but it may be played with other catalogs of Patterns or Pattern Languages.Patterns Poker was invented by Joshua Kerievsky, who has written up a brief history of the game. Raiser Clothing is a poker clothing brand selling poker t-shirts, poker hats, and poker hoodies. Our designs are surf and skate brand inspired.

We’ve talked about betting patterns at various points in this course so far. It’s time to look at it in a bit more detail.

Betting Patterns are where we can watch our opponent’s actions and use them to build up a story to help us work out what hand our opponent has and what he is up to.

The story that we build up from tells and betting patterns is what we use to make the correct decision before our action, so it’s an important subject that directly impacts our profit.

Build up the Skill

It can be overwhelming to start with to watch all the players at a table all at the same time. This will be a skill you build up over time and eventually it will become second nature to you.

To start with, concentrate with the players at the table that will be most important to you:

  • The two players to the left of you – which act after you
  • The player to the right of you – who acts before you

Once you feel comfortable then you can start to branch out to the other players at the table.

Observation & Betting Patterns

Betting Patterns are where we look for common patterns in our opponents actions which help us to identify what they are trying to do and what hands they might have.

So what should you be watching for:

  • What kind of hands are they raising with?
  • How often are they slow playing hands?
  • How often are they bluffing?
  • How do they act with certain types of hands e.g.: big pocket pairs etc?
  • What size bets are they making with particular hands?

For example, if you observe a player who is very tight, doesn’t raise very often, never slow plays hands, never bluffs etc, and he comes in with a large raise, then you can safely put him on a big hand and you may want to get out of his way in that hand.

Lets take a look at a few more examples of the kind of things you should be watching for:

How many hands do they play

Pattern Poker Online Play

Seeing how many hands they play will give you an indication of the kind of starting hands they are willing to play with, someone who plays a lot of hands is unlikely to have premium hands each time, so that shows he is willing to enter a pot with more marginal hands. And the opposite is also true; a player who plays few hands will be waiting for premium hands to enter a pot. Vital information to give you a head start in trying to work out what hand your opponent might have.

Pattern Poker Online

What hands do they show down


This really is a wealth of information, if you see their hand in the showdown at the end, think back to how they played the hand. Did they slow play with a monster hand, or were they aggressive with a weak hand? Make a note of this information, it will come in handy next time your in a hand with this opponent.

Callers or Raisers?

Do they like to enter a pot by raising or do they prefer just to limp in? A Player who enters with a raise a lot means you should be more wary of playing marginal hands in front of him, as he may well raise and force you out of the pot. A Caller is more likely to be a weaker player

The One Bullet Gun Bluff

Some players who are aggressive before the flop, will be aggressive again after the flop with a continuation bet, but then if they get called will fade off and not bet on the turn. This is a huge betting pattern tell as once we have identified it we know exactly what sort of hand our opponent has. If he is the aggressor and then suddenly doesn’t bet on the Turn then the pot is ours for the taking, if he does bet on the turn, it probably means he actually has a hand.

The above are just a few examples of types of things to look out for with betting patterns. The key is to piece together the information your opponent is sending you and try and decide if it all makes sense, then try to work out why your opponent has acted like that, is it a trap or a genuine sign of weakness? Does something smell fishy, can you sense a bluff?

Time to Up the Stakes

If you have been following the Poker Bankroll Challenge you should have now turned your initial $25 stake into over $100, which is great and has allowed you to put your new strategy in to practice.

Now that you are comfortable using your strategy we are going to step up your poker bankroll from the low stakes to the next level and start to really rocket your bankroll towards the $1,000 target we have set ourselves.

Up until now we have been playing on quite low stakes tables at 2cents/4cents. During the next stage of the bankroll challenge we are going to move onto slightly higher stakes tables, but don’t be intimidated, we’ll move up in stages and build your bankroll as we go, you have a very powerful strategy and as long as you stick to what you have learnt in this course, you will be just fine.

Continue to look to select the most profitable table by looking at the Players/Flop statistic but as we move up in the stakes this will naturally start to become a lower percentage and at these increased stake levels anything over 20% is a good choice. From now on as well you should also pay attention to the AvPot (Average Pot Size) statistic as we also want to select a table with a high average pot size.

Poker Bankroll Challenge: Stage 7

Pattern Poker online, free

  • Stakes: $0.05/$0.10
  • Buy In: $10 (100 x BB)
  • Starting Bankroll: $103
  • Target: $50 (5 x Buy In)
  • Finishing Bankroll: $153
  • Estimated Sessions: 5

Use these practise sessions to really start to observe your opponents, can you spot any betting patterns on show? Each time you are not in a hand, watch what is going on and try to predict the outcome and the hand players have got, and each time the cards are shown see if you are right.

Reading betting patterns is one of the best strategies for playing poker. Learning how to watch your opponent and their actions can help you work out what hand they might have and what they may be up to. It will also help you improve your gambling skills and become successful in poker.

Taking your seat at the table

Whether you are playing online poker tournaments or having a good time playing simple livepoker games onlineor at a land-based casino, it is vital to familiarize yourself with betting patterns. Recognizing these betting patterns can assist you in making the right decision before you act, which directly affects how you make money in the game.

For beginner players, it can be a little intimidating to watch your opponents at the poker table, especially when you are playing at a land-based casino. However, you will get used to it as time passes. It is a lot easier when you are playing real poker online as no one can see that you are watching them. Also, there will not be as many things to watch such as facial expressions, sweating, nervous hands, etc. In online poker though, it’s important to take note of the positioning and how your opponents bet. Ask yourself, do they check? Do they raise? Do they call?

At most, you will want to focus on three players; one from your right who acts before you and the two on your left which will act after you. Thereafter, you can look at the other players on the table.

How opponents play position

Recognizing how the opponents play in different positions will tell you their range of hands. For instance, a player that calls or folds in an early position is most likely to be a weak player. Whereas aggressive players are always likely to raise in late positions. In order to get a good read on their cards, you will need to call, if you have any medium to strong hands.

Furthermore, you need to ask yourself how experienced your opponents are and at what level do they base their playing decisions. By watching them play a couple of times, you will be able to pick up if they are playing like a beginner or at a more advanced level. Their poker lingo is also something to factor in if you are playing online poker tournaments or live poker.

Observing betting patterns

Pattern Poker Online Game


After gathering a general idea of your opponents, you want to make some serious observations on their betting patterns in common betting situations. The observations will not be fully accurate, but they are great to use as a guide when you are playing poker for money.

Look out for the following:

Pattern Poker Online Casino

  • What kind of poker hands are your opponents raising with? Are they strong or weak hands? Do they check-raise?
  • How do they play? Do they bluff often? Do they check or call?
  • How do they play certain types of hands; big and small? Do they call and fold?
  • How do they slow play hands? How many hands do they often play?
  • Do they stake high or do they go for small value wagers?

The following sections offer some more useful examples.

Check the number of hands your opponent plays

Watching the number of hands that your opponents are down to play is great. It will tell you what kind of starting hands they might have. Usually, if your opponent plays several hands, they are unlikely to have strong hands each time. It indicates that they are willing to play with more marginal hands. Sometimes, this might go vice versa — a player might play with a few hands while waiting for stronger hands to enter a pot.

Pattern poker online game

Do they call or raise?

Observe if the player likes to enter the pot by either calling or raising. Usually, if your opponent raises early, it means that you need to be cautious when playing marginal hands, as they might raise and force you out of the pot. As mentioned before, a tight player is likely to call early in the game.


Also dubbed a “blocking bet’, this is when your opponent checks or calls and suddenly wagers a small stake into you, on the turn of a draw. When it gets to this point, chances are that your opponent may have had a weak pair or had the draw on the flop. Their small wager is there to allow them to draw cheaply. It is better to charge them more if this occurs.

Bets on the flop and turn

It is often a sign of weakness if your opponent does not increase their bet size on the turn. Usually, this means they will be having a pair with a weak kicker and it is your chance to raise and win the pot. Some players will not bet on the turn given that they were aggressive before the flop. This betting pattern tells you exactly what kind of hand your opponent has. By not wagering on the turn, it says a lot, and at most, it means that the pot is yours. However, if they do wager on the turn, it shows that they might have a good hand. The size of a player’s bet is also something to consider. Also, check what range of hands the player will bet or raise with.

Showdown hands

If your opponent only shows their hand in the showdown, look at how they played their hand from the start. Were they acting strong with a weak hand or did they slow play with a strong hand? This is some vital information to work with.

How to prevent yourself from revealing your betting patterns

As you may have seen, there are many ways that players can reveal their betting patterns, but how do you prevent yourself from doing so?

The first thing you need to do to avoid revealing your betting patterns is to use the same amount of time for all your betting decisions. That way, the other players will not be able to tell if you are struggling to make a decision or not. However, you do not want to take extremely long to make one, and you do not want to jump into making a decision as soon as possible. Other players will not be able to time you if you take the same amount of time to bet, raise, or fold.

Your second option, which might be a little obvious, is to vary your patterns for betting. Avoid always folding or raising like you do not know what you are doing. Mixing things up will prevent your opponents from reading your patterns. However, this does not mean that you should bet the wrong things just to confuse your opponents.

Betting tips

At most, it is a sign of weakness when a player checks. Usually, players will do this when they have a weak hand, and this is where you get to take advantage. However, it is different when your opponent checks and then calls, as that would mean that they have a drawing hand.

Drawing cards – several players often aggressively go after draws, but not as a sign of weakness. However, to have them stay during the fourth street or the river, you will need to make a strong raise. Some opponents may call without the right odds. These are the players to keep as they might win you the pot in the long run.

Continuation wagers – some poker players tend to overuse the continuation bet, using it even though they would have raised pre-flop. It is important to know the hand range for this kind of player, in order to take advantage and win yourself some money. Opponents that slow play their hands excessively, are also likely to raise pre-flop or call the flop.

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